Medan Area University and PDAM Tirtasari Binjai as well as the Main Multi Competency Institutions conducted an MoU on Education. The signing of the collaboration was carried out by UMA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc. with the Director of PDAM Tirtasari Ir. Taufik, ST and Director of Main Multi Competency Soni Hestukoro, ST, MT at the Medan Estate Campus, Thursday (10/12).
Present at the MoU, Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation, Dr. Ir. Zulheri Noer, MP, Dean of the Faculty of Law Dr. Rizkan Zulyadi, SH, MH, Dean of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Syahbuddin Hasibuan, M.Si. Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, Indra Hermawan, ST, MT, as well as the Heads of the UMA Administration and Head of Division of PDAM Tirtasari and MKU Supervisor Riswan Hasibuan.
UMA Chancellor Prof. Dadan Ramdan in his remarks explained that students are given the opportunity to study outside the campus for 3 semesters. And this is in accordance with the contents of the MoU where the apprenticeship program in the industrial sector and the business world is part of learning activities according to the chosen course. “All parties must support the government program. This is because more and more student interns will reduce the tax of the institution concerned. In addition, in order to obtain a competency certificate as an academic attachment which will later become a reference for the industrial sector and the business world if graduated from college, “said the Chancellor of UMA.
With the existence of the MoU, he added, UMA is now making a project to get assistance from the government which encourages all departments to appreciate students who conduct research. The requirements for higher education must reach 8 main indicators, one of which is that students have readiness in the business and industrial world. And internships are the perfect solution to achieving that, he said.
PDAM Tirtasari Managing Director Ir. Taufik said that his party choosing UMA for the MoU was inseparable from the UMA alumni who were in the ranks of Tirtasari. According to him, the rector’s policy of implementing independent campus learning (BKM) requires companions in the aspect of legal standing. “We are very open to receiving UMA students in order to contribute thoughts and energy, and vice versa.” Cooperation or MoU is expected to increase human resources and foster morale in the psychological context, “said Taufik.
Soni Hestukoro as Director of the Main Multi Competency explained, his institution is involved in producing trainers and assessors so that it requires more cooperation in the process of working towards professionalism. It is hoped that the presence of this institution, which is still one year old, will be able to bring fresh air to the development of the industrial and business world. “Students are required to have provisions that are ready to be competent in the world of work. And it requires skills in the field. So this collaboration aims to prepare graduates to have high competitiveness and be able to compete in the world of work,” he said.