Medan Area University won an award from LLDikti Region I North Sumatra on the Results of Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments (Monev) for Higher Education Quality Mapping at JW Marriot Hotel on Monday – Tuesday, 07 – 08 December 2020.
The Socialization of Quality Mapping Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Results was attended by all private universities in the LLDikti Region I North Sumatra environment.
The following are the results of the award for the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Quality Mapping of the University of Medan Area:
- Criterion 1 Field of Vision, Mission, Goals, and Strategy won 3rd place
- Criterion 2 for Governance, Governance, and Cooperation to win Second Place
- Criteria 3 for Student Affairs to win Second Place
- Criterion 4 Human Resources Field Best Nomination
- Criterion 5 for Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure won Second Place
- Criteria 6 for the Education Sector to Win First Place
- Criteria 7 Research Fields won Second Place
- Criteria 8 for Best Nomination Community Service
- Criteria 9 Fields of Output and Achievement of the Best Nomination Triharma
UMSU Chancellor Dr. Agussani, M.AP. In his speech, he appreciated Medan Area University for winning 1st place in Criterion 6 in the field of Education and giving praise to Medan Area University which had won the GreenMetric World University Rankings and the only PTS North Sumatra that won the GreenMetric rank, this has spurred UMSU to want to learn to enter the GreenMetric competition the following year.
Hopefully the results of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Mapping the Quality of the Tertiary Education Institutions at the University of Medan Area will be even more superior in the following year and achieve superior accreditation (A).