Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Medan Area University, through the Accounting study program and the Joint Accounting Student Association (HIMAKSI) of the Medan Area University.
successfully held The 2017 Accounting Olympiad event was held on Thursday, 23 November 2017 at Campus II of the Faculty of Economics & Business UMA.
In the event the Olympics was also attended by a number of Lecturer Staff, the FEB Dean, the Chair of the Accounting Study Program along with the olympics participants of the Faculty of Accounting Economics.
It is hoped that the event can bring positive things in supporting creativity and inspire students to be able to uphold achievements in the fields of academic and non-academic potential.
In this Olympic event, the three judges who acted as assessors were Linda Lores, SE, MSi (left) as Chair of the Accounting Study Program, Dr. Ihsan Effendi, SE, MSi (Center) as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UMA and Warsani Purnama Sari, SE, MM (Right) As Staff Lecturers of the UMA Accounting Study Program
For students who succeed in the Olympics are entitled to an award, the award is also given to three participants. Even though it runs smoothly, the objective of the Olympics is not just to look for a victory or popularity, but to provide lessons to motivate students to be able to compete in a fair play and be a potential contribution to compete at the national Olympics level to bring the good name of the UMA almater and increase the productivity of work programs Faculty of Economics and Business for the advancement of the quality of the Medan Area University.